CRUD Operations in C#
In this post, I am focusing on creating SQL connection object in a better way.
step 01
In the beginning we want to create Connection. In here I am using MSSQL server as my database server. Generally we create connection string out side the program.

we can store those details like the above screenshot. If we use this way to store connection details like this way we will be able to change our db details any time without doing any changes to the program. I think that’s why most developers tend to use this way to store connection details.
If we use this way to store connection details in app.config then we have to have a method to read values. you can see we have stored details as key-value pairs.We can get value using the key. That is the nature of key-value pairs.
step 02
Create a class, here I’m using the name as “connection.cs”.
step 03
create “SqlConnection” type object,
“private SqlConnection conn = null;”
step 04
create default constructor and initialize SQL connection object like below,
public Connection()
conn = new SqlConnection (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“connection”].ToString());
catch(Exception ex)